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Iconography in Cultural Studies. Papers from the International Conference European Iconography East and West
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Iconography in Cultural Studies. Papers from the International Conference European Iconography East and West

Megjelenés éve: 1996
Oldalszám: 212
Kötés: fűzve
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On theoretical issues of iconography and emblematics along with case studies from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, and the Orthodoxy. Tartalomjegyzék: Foreword Contents THEORETICAL ISSUES Peter M. Daly (McGill University, Montreal) Where Are We Going in Studies of Iconography and Emblematics? Robin Headlam Wells (University of Hull) Microcosmos: Essentialist Anthropology in Renaissance Europe Tibor Fabiny (Pázmány Catholic University, Piliscsaba) Catholic Eyes and Protestant Ears. (The Conflict of Visuality and Aurality in a Hermeneutical Perspective) CASE STUDIES MIDDLE AGES Ryszard Knapiński (Catholic University, Lublin) The Iconography of the Romanesque Plock Door (Nowgorod) as Symbol of the Unuversal Character of Ecclesiastical Art Joanne Snow-Smith (University of Washington, Seattle) The Iconographic Tradition of Saint Anne in the Human Trinity: Medieval and Renaissance Imagery RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION Karl-Heinz Magister (Max-Planc Society, Berlin) ColonialMetaphors and Emblems of Inventing America in Early Modern English Literature Attila Kiss (József Attila University, Szeged) The Iconography of Violence in English Renaissance Tragedy: A Semiotic Approach Balázs Dibuz (Teacher Training College, Szeged) John Donnes Body. Incarnation and Visualization in Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward Alan R. Young (Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia) Colours without number: Some English Emblematic Flags of the Civil War Era Ágnes Dukkon (ELTE Teacher Training College, Budapest) Woodcuts in Old Calendars Piotr Wilczek (University of Silesia, Katowice) Baroque Pattern Poetry in Poland ORTHODOX ICONOGRAPHY Imre H. Tóth (József Attila University, Szeged) Saint Cyrill on the Excellence of Icons Dorota Popławska (Warsaw) Local Tradition and Bizantine/Western Influences on Medieval Iconography of Mucical Instrument of Kiev and Novgorod APPLIED ICONOGRAPHY Marcell Jankovics (Pannonia Film Studios, Budapest) The Color of the Rose Symbolism of a Mixed Color Enikő Molnár Basa (Library of Congress, Washington DC) The Emblem Tradition Echoed in the State Seals of the United States József András Fehér (Jungist Association Tree of Life, Budapest) The Tree of Life According to C. G. Jungs Theory David Graham (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns) Personal Computers and Iconography: Issues and Lessons Arising from the Macintosh Emblem Project

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